1.    Have you ever been to Spain?
If so, what is your impression of this country?
If not, would you like to visit Spain? (Why? Why not?)

2. Can you name and briefly describe any famous landmarks in Barcelona?

3. Why do you think Barcelona is so popular with tourists?

4. What places would you like to see first if you were in Barcelona? (Why?)

5. What is unusual and interesting about La Sagrada Familia church?
Have you ever heard of a renowned architect Antonio Gaudi?
Why is his name so widely recognizable in Barcelona?

6. Are you fond of art?
Do you attend art exhibitions, galleries in your city or town? 
Have you got any favoured artists?
Which Picasso’s piece of work, according to you, is your best?

7. Do you fancy illuminated fountain displays such as Font Màgica de Montjuïc? (Why? Why not?)
Are you aware of any other countries where similar fountain spectacles are performed?

8. Do you enjoy travelling? (Why? Why not?)
Do you prefer package tours to self-organised holidays? (Why? Why not?)
What is your favourite means of transport? (Why?)
Do you travel internationally or rather locally?
If you had enough money to finance you dream travel, where would you go and why?

9. Have you ever seen a live performance in the street?
What qualities and skills should one have to become a successful street artist?
Are you afraid of speaking or performing in public?

10. Are you keen on sports? (Why? Why not?)
Do you prefer to attend live sporting events or watch them from home?
What is your favourite sport? (Why?)
Do you support any football teams?
What do you think of FC Barcelona football club and its players?
Would you rather visit FC Barcelona Museum or watch a football match live on a stadium?
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1. Write a postcard to your English friend describing your stay in Barcelona. Include the
following information:

• accommodation
• weather
• tourist attractions
• your plans for the rest of your stay.

Use some vocabulary from the section Places to visit referring to the city and see tips on
writing a postcard.
Napisz pocztówkę do swojego angielskiego przyjaciela opisującą Twój pobyt w Barcelonie. 
W pocztówce uwzględnij następujące informacje:

• zakwaterowanie
• warunki pogodowe
• atrakcje turystyczne
• plany na resztę pobytu.

Skorzystaj ze słownictwa zawartego w sekcjach Miejsca warte zobaczenia i pisanie: pocztówka.


2. You have just received a letter from your Spanish pen-pal asking you to come and see
him/her in Barcelona. In your letter

• thank him/her for invitation and tell you have always dreamt about seeing Barcelona.
• mention you love football and ask if you are going to visit the FC Barcelona Museum.
• ask about the weather in Spain in autumn and sort of clothes you should take with you.
• inform that you will bring some souvenirs from Poland and ask what his/her parents
   would like to get.

Use some vocabulary from the section Places to visit referring to the city and see tips on
writing an informal letter.

Właśnie otrzymałeś/aś list od swojego pzryjaciela/przyjaciółki, w którym zaprasza Ciebie do
Barcelony. W liście

• podziękuj za zaproszenie i powiedz, że zawsze marzyłeś/aś o zobaczeniu Barcelony.
• wspomnij, że uwielbiasz piłkę nożną i zapytaj czy zwiedzicie muzeum zespołu FC Barcelona.
• spytaj o warunki pogodowe w Hiszpani panujące podczas jesieni i poproś o radę jakie ubrania
   powinienieś/aś ze soba zabrać.
• poinformuj, że przywieziesz ze soba pamiątki z Polski i zapytaj co jego/jej rodzice chcieliby dostać.

Skorzystaj ze słownictwa zawartego w sekcjach Miejsca warte zobaczenia i pisanie list nieformalny.